Happy stupid new year! Alice and Deanna are reunited, AGAIN! In this episode, we chat about holidays with the family, how “eating” “better” might make us “feel” “better,” and the rollercoaster ride that has been Deanna’s #MeToo life these past few weeks. Note: we talk about sexual harassment/assault/abuse in this episode, and we touch on suicide ideation briefly, but none of it is in graphic detail.
Alice’s other podcast, The Upgrade from Lifehacker
The article Deanna was in: https://www.buzzfeed.com/coralewis/don-hazen
The other article Deanna was in: https://www.thecut.com/2017/11/rebecca-traister-on-the-post-weinstein-reckoning.html
#BoringSelfCare! Hannah Daisy! @makedaisychains on Instagram!
The NYTimes Crosswords app… mmmmm…. ooooooooo… http://www.nytimes.com/crossword